Saturday, March 13, 2010

Christmas in March: Cleaning House

Finally, I put away our Christmas decorations this week (it usually happens January 15th at the latest!). Plastic storage containers cost 20 Euro or so. A plastics tax in Brussels - at Target in the US they are $2 each. The most expensive plastic I have - let's hope they don't crack.

I also found my thank you notes (and my checkbook!) in our apartment - amazing how we can lose things here (considering the limited closet/storage space). I am writing thank you notes for Christmas, my birthday, Kate's birthday, etc. and putting them in the mail on Monday. Let's hope I get it right and they are received prior to our return in July.

This week I also started our "For Sale" list - things we've acquired in Brussels that we don't want to pay to ship back (laundry baskets, etc.) - the everyday household items that you need to live, but have to purchase again in the EU (blow dryers, etc.). I am planning to post at the AWCB and at school. If they don't sell, I'll donate it to school or church. Four more months to go...